We work at the intersection of aerospace and biology, integrating additive manufacturing, microfluidics, microbiology, genomics, machine learning, and other disciplines and technologies to develop instrumentation, carry out lab studies and fieldwork, and execute flight projects to seek life and understand its limits, from microbes to humans. Click below or view active, completed, or all projects.

  • Instrumentation

    Sensitive, specific, and agnostic methods for life detection, with a focus on single molecule detection.

  • Flight Projects

    Ongoing flight projects include payloads and experiments for the International Space Station, a mission to Venus, and more.

  • Fieldwork

    Ongoing labwork and fieldwork leverages terrestrial analogs of Mars and Ocean Worlds.

With a focus on single molecule detection, we are advancing the search for life as we know it or life as we don’t know it. We also apply these tools to facilitate human adaptation to space and a sustainable human future on spaceship Earth and beyond.